Cigar Review- Cu-Avana Punisher

Wrapper: Nicaraguan Habano
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Honduran
Size: 6 x 52 “Belicoso”
Body: Full
Price: $8.00




For some reason, the stats on this cigar are a secret. It took me quite a while to find these ingredients. I believe they are correct, but then again, I could be wrong.

I have been dying to try one of these for the longest time. About 6-7 months ago, I got a 5 pack on Cbid. And I put them away.
These sticks have a mystique that some say this is the strongest cigar alive. Or dead.

I’ve had my bowl of cereal with OJ. And am willing and ready to smoke this baby in a standoff of Man v. Pvnisher.

The simple black band near the cap is classy looking. The band at the foot is goofy.

Doing a bit of research, I discovered this is a Manuel Quesada cigar. Who partnered with Nestor Plasencia.
It is a nice looking stick. It has shriveled a bit in its long stay in my humidor as I like to keep one humidor at the 66%-69% range. A drier cigar makes for a more flavorful cigar. You just have to make sure you don’t overdo it.

Lots of veins. One seam shows that is not too tight. The cap is well done. And the Habano wrapper is an oily dark brown.

I sniff and detect SPICE! Holy cow. The spice at the foot makes me sneeze. Really. There is also some sweetness, cocoa and cedar.
I man up and light ‘er up.

The first puffs? Guess what…Spice! The wrapper is actually burning my lower lip. LOL!

I was hoping that the age on this stick would spare me from the torturous ordeal most people describe. This is like chewing on a habanero. How the hell do they do this? Do they produce concentrated ligero leaves into a liquid and then paint the wrapper with it?

I can’t taste anything but ha-cha-cha! This is cracking me up. In the 1950’s, this would be considered a joke cigar to play evil doings on unsuspecting friends.

6-7 months in my humidor must have mellowed this stick a bit…shouldn’t it?
Now, I love a spicy cigar. And I’m trying to love this one. But this is crazy nuts hot.

I believe this cigar was really invented by Otolaryngologists who are drumming up business for smokers of this cigar. I’m pretty sure I will need to see one to remove the scar tissue from the tip of my tongue.

I’m almost through the first third and a change occurs. Other flavors show up while the habanero tamps down a bit. Or maybe, I’ve become accustomed to its face. I don’t know.

There is some welcome creaminess. And the cocoa steps up. The draw has been perfect and the char line, as well. The ash is solid and won’t let go.
I read a review that stated the cigar has a raw sugar cane component.


When I was a kid, my mother would give me a treat, twice a year, by buying me a sugar can stalk to gnaw on. It was horrible and bitter. With a tad bit of sweetness. So I don’t get it. Who the hell knows what raw sugar cane tastes like; unless they are really referring to unadulterated unprocessed sugar. Not the stalk. Either way, my palate is not fine-tuned enough to pick up unprocessed sugar flavors.

At the halfway point, the creaminess and cocoa are just as potent as the pepper. Although, it will be a long time until my tongue forgets this experience.


The cigar is settling down. I still feel that this is a cigar you give to someone to shock them. Except, they cost $8 a pop. That’s an expensive joke.
As I leave the second third, not much change going on. Spiciness, creaminess and cocoa. That’s it. The aging process has turned the cigar into a one trick pony. There is no complexity. If there is, it was burned away in the brush fire of hot peppers.

To be honest, I’m not enjoying this cigar that much. Yes, I know there is a warning about how strong this cigar is by the people selling it. But sell it for $4-$5, not $8.

There is no way this cigar is in the same company as the great $8 sticks I smoke.

The last third sees the spice really move to the background while allowing other flavors to emerge.
A nice sweetness accompanies the cocoa and creaminess causing the profile to expand a bit. I don’t know if it is nuclear irradiated raw sugar cane. It’s sweet.

The cigar finishes out without being harsh, in spite of being so spicy. The body is most definitely full. It’s a shame that the cigar develops a nice flavor profile so near the end. The creaminess really takes off. So now, I don’t want to ditch the cigar. I want to savor that flavor. My tongue has stopped burning. And I’m no longer blind.

I don’t know if the last third makes the cigar worth $8, but it is very nice and, for the first time, am truly enjoying the stick.

I’m sure you can get this cigar for less than $8 on Cbid. It was so long ago, I have no idea what I paid.
So if you want to watch your buddies choke to death in front of you, this is the cigar you give them. And make sure the group is not fond of spicy food.
