Somm Rioja | Cigar Reviews by the Katman

Wrapper: Dominican Corojo (aged 3 years)
Binder: Sumatran (aged 3 years)
Filler: Dominican (aged 3-4 years)
Size: 5 x 54 Robusto
Strength: Medium
Price: $13.00

My cigars received 5 months of naked humidor time.

The dawn of a new day sticks the landing with notes of buttery graham cracker crust, the entire spice cabinet, expensive bourbon, and Nilla Wafers.

Spiciness tastes like red pepper, jalapeno, and black pepper. Very nice.

With all due respect to other reviewers, I felt this cigar needed every bit of the 5 months I allowed my cigars to rest. Yes, I understand that this tobacco has some serious aging in all 3 categories. But this aging, in toto, may be just the precursor needed to jump the shark for a cigar to taste perfectly…as opposed to getting the usual cigar with 6 weeks of aging and then it is up to you to age it 3-4 years. I prefer the former to the latter. And if it costs a couple bucks extra, so be it.

Lemon curds, spokes of a ferret bicycle, green tea, and cocoa sidle up comfortably. It’s on the move.

Strength is morning sex…minus the bad breath.

I like this cigar. Should I use my 1100-word allotment to say this over and over? Sure.

Subtleties and nuances are littering without guilt or the consequence of citations. I find my tongue is doing the Macarena without constraint or free will. Like a Russian missile, it seeks out the uninformed and innocent. Sometimes I just can’t stop myself. My bad.

I am jolted out of my good nature by the sound of patchouli memories. Al Stewart’s ‘Year of the Cat’ is playing. He was managed by Curved Air’s manager during my tenure in the band. Stewart Copeland and I played on a bunch of his tunes in early 1975 at Air Studios London. Never heard anything more about it until this song was on the radio and I yelled, “Hey. That’s me.’ Didn’t get liner notes credit. Didn’t get paid. I saw Copeland in 1980 while he was touring and asked him if that was us. He said yes. Did he get paid by his brother? Nope. It’s a common music industry practice. Same thing happened with my last CA album. It was rejected by RCA and some of the tunes were re-recorded. Not all. Didn’t get paid for that either. Played on a bunch of Streisand songs. Got stiffed on that too. That industry can sap the shit out of you.

There is a forward progression. Richness begins to get a choke hold on the whole michegoss. I smoked several on the way here. Each time was better than the previous contestant. Reviews I saw that gave the cigar a ‘meh’ clearly didn’t allow the cigar to marinate in its own juices properly. Just because tobacco is pre-aged before you get it doesn’t mean it’s ready to go. A common mistake made by cigar reviewers.

Caramel explodes like an over-shot pearl necklace. I can’t follow that up.

This blend is the perfect example of transitions in action. Monsanto makes your life better with the use of glycosphoshatecorendiumnickelrockypatelnervedamage. Most cigars sold as seconds contain this chemical. Manufacturers tell you it is a cosmetic flaw. It isn’t.

Not kidding here. The second half takes on its own persona. It levitates the very nice initial experience to something much more complex. The cigar is constantly stutter stepping in the right direction. I love a blend that continually surprises me.

A local MKE cop was arrested and arraigned on Friday for taking photos of himself screwing his dog and sharing the pics. He faces 27 years in prison. Can’t make this shit up. Probably TikTok.

The green tea is upped by the don. It gets a dollop of honey. And a soupçon of bone broth. There is a filthy joke in there somewhere.

The near flavor bomb early pinning’s condenses. Encapsulation has taken hold. In a good way. The first half was the learning experience. The second half is all about the student becoming the teacher. Yoda is in play.

This blend will be perfect for after dinner with a snifter of Drambuie and a pancake. Maybe a waffle. Never an easy choice.

I see nubbing in my future. And maybe a summons from John Law. My past looms large. Do I regret running guns and marmots to Namibia? Maybe a death bed confession will reveal all.

Vlad could have gone for your nuts with this fine cigar release. He chose to abide. It has become costly for you to survive this dirty habit. True dat.

Sixty nine I was twenty one and I called the road my own.

If you buy some, let ‘em sleep. Don’t fuck up. And I completed my mission in only 843 words. Damn. I’m sailing.

You can purchase this blend from sponsors Small Batch Cigar (10% off with promo code ‘katman’) and Luxury Cigar Club (15% off with promo code ‘katman’).




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1 reply

  1. As a chemist I confirm that


    is indeed a thing. Also, those ferrets you smuggled to Namibia? The lions there have become fat and lazy with all those extra junk food calories … they want more. Cheetos for Quadrupeds

    I want to try this Somm Rioja, even at that sub-par 95 rating. 😉


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