CIGAR ROACH CLIP BY XISTIX | Cigar Reviews by the Katman

August 11, 2014: I got it. What a piece of crap!
First, the spring is too tight and flattens about an inch of the cigar from the cap down.
Second, if you put the clip to your mouth you get a terrible taste of metal. Horrible.
Clearly, the guy who markets these things has never smoked a cigar.

Tired of not having a cigar roach clip? Especially for small cigars?
After extensive research, I found something kind of fancy shmancy.

It is called the Xistix Cigar Clip and Stand.

It does have a stand that you can insert the prongs into but you don’t have to use it.
It’s a little pricey at $24.99 + $6 shipping but I went all in and bought one.
Will report back when I get mine. But it looks like the real deal.
Comes in stainless and black coated stainless.

Click on Xistix Cigar Clip and Stand to be taken to their web page.

(I am not affiliated with this company. Just wanted to pass on what seems like a nice accessory)


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1 reply

  1. Nice clip and stand. They should look great in your pictures! I’m a frugal (cheap) old guy so I use a bent up large paper clip.